Automatic image classification for the urinoculture screening

Published in International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, Springer, 2017

Recommended citation: Paolo Andreini, Simone Bonechi, Monica Bianchini, Alessandro Mecocci, and Vincenzo Di Massa. Automatic image classification for the urinoculture screening. In International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, pages 31–42, Springer, 2017. (BibTex)


Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) represent a significant health problem, both in hospital and community–based settings. Normally, UTIs are diagnosed by traditional methods, based on cultivation of bacteria on Petri dishes, followed by a visual evaluation by human experts. In this paper, we present a fully automated system for the screening, that can provide quick and traceable results of UTIs. Actually, based on image processing techniques and machine learning tools, the recognition of bacteria and the colony count are automatically carried out, yielding accurate results. The proposed system, called AID (Automatic Infections Detector) provides support during the whole analysis process: first digital color images of the Petri dishes are automatically captured, then specific preprocessing and spatial clustering algorithms isolate the colonies from the culture ground, finally an accurate classification of the infection types and their severity is performed. Some important aspects of AID are: reduced time, results repeatability, reduced costs.

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