Fusion of visual and anamnestic data for the classification of skin lesions with deep learning

Published in International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Springer, 2019

Recommended citation: Simone Bonechi, Monica Bianchini, Pietro Bongini, Giorgio Ciano, Giorgia Giacomini, Riccardo Rosai, Linda Tognetti, Alberto Rossi, and Paolo Andreini. Fusion of visual and anamnestic data for the classification of skin lesions with deep learning. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pages 211–219, Springer, 2019 (BibTex)


Early diagnosis of skin lesions is essential for the positive outcome of the disease, which can only be resolved with surgical treatment. In this manuscript, a deep learning method is proposed for the classification of cutaneous lesions based on their visual appearance and on the patient’s anamnestic data. These include age and gender of the patient and position of the lesion. The classifier discriminates between benign and malignant lesions, mimicking a typical procedure in dermatological diagnostics. Good preliminary results on the ISIC Dataset demonstrate the importance of the information fusion process, which significantly improves the classification accuracy.

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