Graph Neural Networks for the Prediction of Protein–Protein Interfaces

Published in Proceedings, 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2020

Recommended citation: Niccolò Pancino, Alberto Rossi, Giorgio Ciano, Giorgia Giacomini, Simone Bonechi, Paolo Andreini, Franco Scarselli, Monica Bianchini, and Pietro Bongini. Graph neural networks for the prediction of protein-protein interfaces. In ESANN 2020 - Proceedings, 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, pages 127–132, 2020 (BibTex)


Binding site identification allows to determine the function-ality and the quaternary structure of protein–protein complexes. Variousapproaches to this problem have been proposed without reaching a viablesolution. Representing the interacting peptides as graphs, a correspon-dence graph describing their interaction can be built. Finding the maxi-mum clique in the correspondence graph allows to identify the secondarystructure elements belonging to the interaction site. Although the max-imum clique problem is NP-complete, Graph Neural Networks make foran approximation tool that can solve the problem in affordable time. Ourexperimental results are promising and suggest that this direction shouldbe explored further.

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